Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Senior Year as a College Student

New Single from Carrie Underwood! 

One Year Baby! 

Today marks our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! I can't believe it's been one year already. So much has happened, and yet it feels like it was just yesterday Mitchell and I met at orientation. It really has been the best year of my life and I can't wait for this next year! I love you, Mitchell!!! This past weekend, he took me on an amazing fall date. He knows full well that Fall is one of my favorite times of year, so what could be better than going to a pumpkin patch?! We had so much fun, even though it was blazing hot!! The date days (yes, he spanned these over Friday and Saturday) consisted of movie night in a fort, Jeni's ice cream, a day at the farm/pumpkin patch, shopping, and Dave & Busters! He is really the best. I love him so crazy much!

Yes, he had a fire place going on his computer! :)
He's into the details! :) 

Senior Year/College Probs

I'm finally sitting down at my computer to write my monthly recap, and I'm blown away that September is almost over! When did that happen?! The first month of senior year....dunzo. Crap, that means I am one month closer to having to figure out what the heck comes next! (More on that later) If I've learned anything this first month being back at school, it is that college is NOT real life. In fact, it kinda sucks to be honest. People keep telling me to "enjoy this time because it's the best years of your life". I sure hope not! While I'm trying hard not to wish my life away and enjoy being in the moment, I'm really looking forward to real life.

College life consists of this: waking up (too early) in the morning to go to class for 4-5 hours, interning (working for free), and coming home to work on homework for at least 7 hours every single night. Pleas tell me what job in the real world is like college? I know real life is going to have its own set of challenges, I'm not naive to that fact, but I'm ready and excited for those challenges. This whole college thing? Kinda over it, to be completely honest. I want a normal schedule! I want to be able to sleep for longer than 5 hours a night! I want to be able to just unwind after work and not have to worry about homework or projects and papers! Dangit I just want to be married already!!

Okay, so that's one part of my brain....totally over this college thing and ready to be done. But then the LOGICAL part of my brain says, "um hello....that means you'll have to figure out what to do with your life after college." Crap. That's right. As stressful as college is, it's fairly predictable in that I know what I'm doing. Even though it's kicking my but, I can handle it because I know what to expect, for the most part anyway. Real life? Yeah, I don't quite have that figured out yet. Senior year brings up the one big question, "what next?" Well, for us that's fairly simple. 2 weeks after graduation is our wedding! HURRAY!! Then after that is the honeymoon!!! HURRAYYY AGAIN! Then after that, real life. NOT HURRRAYY!

While I've found much freedom with this new major and am enjoying every minute of it, it kind of put me back at square one when it came to knowing where I was going post graduation. I was studying music business and was going to get a job in music publishing. That was pretty clear cut. But then, God decided I had gotten a little too comfortable and wanted something different with my life. Trust me when I say, I'm all about the Lord's plans over my own, but I would be lying if I didn't say I was scared out of my mind. I loved the idea of switching to be a Communications major because it opened me up to so many possibilities! Who wouldn't love that, right?! The possibilities are endless....that's a good thing....usually. Not for me right now. See, endless possibilities make it much harder for me to narrow my focus and decide what kind of job/career to pursue. I feel like I'm having another life crisis where I can't seem to figure out what I want to be!! Can you see my I feel like I'm losing my mind? I have issues...and its all college's fault!

Alright so it really isn't all that bad, and I know that full well. It will be fine. I've actually started working with career services and they have resources that are helping me narrow my focus and decide what areas to pursue. And like I keep telling Mitchell, a job is a job. Coming right out of college, I may not find my dream job, and you know what? That's perfectly okay with me, because at least we'll have each other. It will all work out. God called me to this, and I know He'll bring me through. I thank and praise Him for that!

Whew! Okay, so now that my mini rant/freak out/ meltdown is over, let me fill you in on what has been going on this first month back at school. When I say it's been crazy, I mean it's been crazy. Like more than an emotional roller coaster. We have the whole emotional theme park with multiple crazy rides of emotions/stress/meltdowns/revelations!

A verse that has been convicting me to the core lately is Matthew 6:25-34. I'm declaring this a life verse that I want so engrained in me, it will become a part of who I am! Lord knows I need more faith and less worry in my life these days.

"So I tell you, don't worry about everyday life -- whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes. Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing? Look at the birds. They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are. Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not." "And why worry about your clothes? Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you? You have so little faith!" "So don't worry about having enough food or drink or clothing. Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things? Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs,  and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern."  "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."

Spring Internship! 

The first week back, I had an interview for a spring internship. In true Emily fashion, I was trying to be ahead of the game! I met with a pastor from Cross Point church and I am so blessed to announce that I will be interning with their Communications department! :) I'm actually really excited about this because Mitchell and I absolutely love our church. Cross Point really is one of my favorite things about life in Nashville. We've each found our unique ways to be involved and serve, while still being able to share the weekly services together. I couldn't ask for a better home church, and I'm really excited to see how it works behind the scenes and work with the incredible Cross Point team! Praise God....this was a win!

Mitchell is Awesome

Can I just take a moment to brag about my man for a second? I know he would never say this on such a public forum because he is too humble, but I'm just so dang proud of him, and I know we'll want to remember this when we look back at these posts in 20 years! He was just accepted in the Curb College One on One program! This means, he will be personally mentored by an industry executive at Sony Music here in Nashville. He'll get to meet all sorts of publishers and spend time in recording studios and pitch meetings! It's such an amazing opportunity for him and he deserves it! WAY TO GO MITCHELL!!

Daniel Bible Study

The second week of school I joined an all girls Bible study with some other Belmont girls and a faculty member who is kind of leading us through this. We decided to do Beth Moore's Daniel Study. WOW! Talk about some heavy stuff. It's been an incredible first few weeks so far, and we will do this same study until the end of the semester. I don't know where to even begin sharing about this study. I didn't quite know what to expect to be honest. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to learn from the book of Daniel. I quickly realized that I had SO much to learn about Babylon and the culture that surrounded Daniel back then, and how we're living in our own modern day Babylon of self absorption, idolatry, and material comfort. It's convicting me every single week, and I can feel the changes being made in my heart from it. If I tried to explain it all to you, we would we here forever. I would just recommend you do the study for yourself. Trust me when I say it'll be well worth your time! It wasn't long ago that I was praying to God about the fact that I felt I needed a good group of girlfriends who would encourage me in my own walk with the Lord. I'm so grateful He answered this prayer! He is good!

Just to add to my feelings of uncertainty and uneasiness about life post-graduation, Belmont informed me that it was already time to "apply for graduation". Yeah, it freaked me out too. While I'm so excited to graduate and finally be done with college, and then get married a couple weeks later, it also scares me to death knowing that there are a lot of uncertainties that go along with graduating. Besides the whole job hunt and all of that jazz, there is also the question of "where the heck are we going to live?"

Where to Live 

I'll be the first to admit that I worry and obsess over this way more than I should. Mitchell keeps telling me that it doesn't make sense to even start looking yet, because the things we find now may not even be available in the spring. I know he is right, but there is a part of me that just needs to know! I need to know where we're going to live, right?! Well, that's the kicker about this whole having faith thing. The truth is, I actually don't need to know. God will provide for our every need. That includes a place to live. And I'm preaching this as much to myself as I am to you reading. God will provide for our every need. Nashville is full of options when it comes to housing, and just like the first job out of college, our first home doesn't have to be our home forever. As I'm writing this I'm reminded of how patient the Lord is with me. He knows I need it!

One day as I was driving home from Show Hope, I got lost. I mean really really lost. I was trying to avoid traffic so I decided to take an alternative route home. Bad idea! I ended up going the complete wrong direction, AND my phone was too low on battery to power my GPS. I was going to lose power in a matter of minutes. It was a stressful few minutes and I spent most of it on the phone crying with Mitchell because I was overwhelmed and lost and overly emotional because of sleep deprivation. He did his best to calm me down (his patience with me is also something I'll never fully understand), and I finally made it to a road I was familiar with just in time for my phone to die. As I was driving home that day through areas of Tennessee unfamiliar to me, I realized something. There are SO many housing options in Tennessee. Really, there are. I'm thoroughly convinced that God let me get lost on purpose to show me this. It was like he was trying to show me how ridiculous my worry about this was. Of course we'll find a place to live! Of course He'll provide us a home! I was driving myself crazy with worry for absolutely no reason at all. Plus, I was also reminded how beautiful the state of Tennessee is.

So basically three life lessons have been learned thus far: 1.) God cares about the jobs we have, and He will provide. 2.) God cares about where we live, and He will provide. and 3.) Worrying won't add a single moment to my life (Matthew 6:27).


A few weekends ago, Mitchell and I went to see Ed Sheeran at the Bridgestone with some friends. WHAT AN AMAZING PERFORMER! Seriously, I was and still am blown away every time I think about it. He had NO band. Just him, his guitar, and looper petal. He was able to sell out an entire tour with the most simply stage setup. You know why? Because his songs are killer, that's why!!

Seriously, this guy is an amazing songwriter, and performing. Here is my list of favorites! 
Ed Sheeran – Sing
Ed Sheeran – Thinking Out Loud
Ed Sheeran – I See Fire
Ed Sheeran – Photograph
Ed Sheeran – Tenerife Sea
Ed Sheeran – I'm A Mess
Ed Sheeran – One
Ed Sheeran – Bloodstream
Ed Sheeran – Runaway
Ed Sheeran – The A Team
Ed Sheeran – Lego House
Ed Sheeran – You Need Me, I Don't Need You
Ed Sheeran – Give Me Love
Ed Sheeran – This


Missing Home

I think its because of all of the uncertainties in life right now, its making me homesick for my family and for home. I think maybe because its a place I've always felt safe. I think it also has to do with the various health concerns my family has been experiencing lately. My grandpa Berndt has been hospitalized after having 3 strokes, and we're all praying like crazy for him! God has him in His strong and mighty hands, we know that, and my grandpa is a man of faith, but it's still hard being this far away from family when I want nothing more than to be right there with them. A couple weeks ago it got to me too overwhelming and I was so unbelievably homesick so Mitchell and I made a trip home. Very sudden and unexpected but very much needed. Mitchell is really the best for putting up with me. He loves my family so good and they love him too! Its rather comical when we look back on it now how sudden this trip home was. My mom was probably the most surprised, but she sure didn't complain!

I'm sure I don't have to tell ya'll this because I'm sure you already know that my family is the best! I can't tell you how good it was to be home again. It was refreshing and just all around therapeutic for the both of us I think. I'm also grateful I was able to go up and see my Grandpa in the hospital. We're praying for you Grandpa! We love you!!! We were also able to drive to Alexandria to see Grandpa and Grandma Sipe. Grandma had just had surgery on her knee and was recovering. Grandpa was getting ready to have a heart procedure. It was nice to be able to spend time with the grandparents! I would've gone crazy knowing all of this health stuff was happening and I was stuck on the other side of the country!

GOOD NEWS is....fall break is coming up! I'm so excited to work on some wedding plans and spend some more time with family. Autumn in Minnesota is my absolute favorite! Plus, Mom is coming in November to visit!!! I know I will have lots of quality family time, and it makes me so happy just thinking about it. Family really is the best. And when it comes to family, I'm beyond blessed. :)

Sidenote: how amazing do they look?! They've both been losing weight and getting fit!
So proud of them!! Mom is even doing PIYO with me!!! :)
Minnesota from the sky! 

30 Day Challenge: I DID IT! 

For those of you that have been following along on my 30 Day Challenge, I finished it!!! Hurray!!!! I really do think it was a worthwhile thing to do. I'm kind of a nerd who is into all of that self improvement stuff. ;) My main takeaways were:

1. PUSH goal 
Setting the goal that makes all of the others possible. Mine had to do with my spiritual health and growing closer to God during life's various obstacles and triumphs. 
2. Setting goals 
Seems kind of obvious, but I can't say I've ever put my goals down on paper. And I certainly never made goal milestones before, but this challenge forced me to. And it's kinda fun checking off the milestones and feeling like I'm actually getting closer to those goals! 
3. Skillfully Crafted and Diligently Maintained to do list
I was the person who put 50+ things on her to do list. This challenge taught me how to make a list that was actually doable and manageable. I still use this technique and probably will for the rest of my life. Even Mitchell is doing it now!! 
4. Time Management 
I was forced to look at how much time I was wasting on social media, and how having it on my phone made me extremely unproductive and unavailable at times. I made the decision to remove Facebook from my phone, and the results of that have been astonishing!! 
5. Positive self talk
Whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed or like I can't do it, I remember a verse that says, "i can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."-Philippians 4:13


I'm one of those people who is very interested and convicted by other people's testimonies. I absolutely love hearing people's stories of how they came to know the Lord. They give me so much joy!! All of you know by now from reading previous posts how much I look up to Candace Cameron Bure. I recently listened to a recording of her testimony and was moved to tears at multiple points throughout. She shares about her belief in the power of prayer, and how she prayed for her husband to come to know the Lord like she did. It was incredibly moving and I really do encourage you to check it out! 

Well, there ya have it....September in kind of a nutshell. It's been a challenging month, but a time where Mitchell and I have learned so many different life lessons. The most important being that God will provide for our needs. He will provide for your needs too! All you have to do is put your faith in Him! 

Thanks for checking in on life. I love you all!


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Progress is Progress

Happy Thursday! Almost made it to Friday!!! I'm so happy about this, I think I could cry. (Or maybe its just the severe lack of sleep and higher than usual stress levels that are making me more emotional than usual....) I wanted to quickly share something that I read from Philippians.

"I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing, forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Let all who are spiritually mature agree on these things. If you disagree on some point, I believe God will make it plain to you. But we must hold on to the progress we have already made." Philippians 3:12-16

I LOVE this passage, especially in this particular season of life. School is back in session and life is moving forward at full speed! Mitchell and I have trouble sometimes catching our breath! Just when we feel like we've made some sort of progress, we see all that we have left to do. The joy from making it as far as we have is overshadowed by the doom we feel about all that's left ahead of us. This passage spoke directly into my drained and slightly discouraged heart today.

"But we must hold onto the progress we have already made."
-Philippians 3:16. 

That's what is crazy about the Word of God. A passage I've come to know well can take on multiple meanings in my life depending on where my heart is when I read it. Today, it gave a sense of encouragement that I needed to hold onto how far we've come. It's important to hold onto that progress, because at times, it is the very thing that keeps us going.

While I know its important to keep pressing on and to run the race and fight the good fight, its really really hard sometimes when you feel like no progress is being made, or when you feel like the progress you've made pails in comparison to how far you still have to go. That's a frequent attack made by the enemy isn't it? He wants me to feel like I'm not making any progress at all in hopes that I'll give up and throw in the towel. That's why holding onto the progress we've already made is so important! When you have proof that you're moving forward, its easier to keep it up. Progress is progress, no matter how small.

If you're like us and feeling worn and drained, I hope this passage can breathe some life back into you , just like it did for me! I think it's especially important in times like these to remember to put our....

Stones before Sand.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

One Year Ago: RIP Doyle

Everyone says a lot can happen in a year, and I know that to be true. I can hardly believe all of the blessings that I've received since moving to Nashville. But there is another thing I know about a year, and that is that it is not nearly long enough for the pain to lose its sting. I woke up this morning to my phone blinking at me. I rolled over to see this

I knew what that Timehop was going to say, but it still made my breath catch in my throat a little bit, and it still made my eyes sting. The reality that it was exactly a year ago today. The celebration/party emoticon is not what I would've chosen. I knew what happened a year ago, and it wasn't something I wanted to celebrate. It was a year ago that someone I cared very much about had died. One year ago today, I read a text message from one of my friends back home that Thomas Doyle had taken his own life, and the pain and confusion is the same as it was when I heard it the first time.

One year later and I'm still in that place where I've been reading my Bible furiously all morning trying to make sense of a senseless thing. There is no sense to be made. There aren't any answers. I remember struggling with the "why?" question for months afterward. Still to this day, I ask why? I ask myself if there was anything I could've said or done to stop him from pulling that trigger. It's an unsettling feeling when someone I was so close with was struggling on such a deep level and I had absolutely NO idea. I would've done all I could to help, but I didn't know. How could I not have known? There are about as many questions still today as there was then. Time hasn't given us any answers.

I'm grateful that this year I have supportive friends and I have Mitchell again to help hold me up. He was there when I sat on my couch crying all day last year. He let me ruin one of his shirts with tear stains, and he held me like friends do. Now, as my fiancé, he'll hold me again this time feeling some of the pain himself because when you love someone that much, their pain becomes your own. For that, I'm sorry Mitchell. This day is going to be hard for the both of us.

It's one of those things I suppose that I won't ever have the right answer to. Someday, it'll all make sense but as long as I'm living on this earth, I won't ever understand why. My heart is broken and spirit crushed today for the friends and family of Thomas Doyle.

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed."
 -Psalm 37:18
If you came to this post looking for some wise insight or answers, I simply don't have any of that. All I have is the why question, that I assume everyone else has as well. I'm choosing to trust God with my why question simply because it is too heavy and too dark to carry on my own shoulders. If you came because your heart is broken and your spirit is crushed, well, now you know that the Lord is close to you in this time. He will never leave you or forsake you. I'm clinging tightly to that promise with all the might I have in me today.

Someday it'll all make sense. That day isn't today. I could wrestle with the why question for as long as I want, but it will always win. That's why I'm letting it go. There aren't any answers to be found through wrestling with it. It just sends me in a tailspin of unanswered questions, frustration, and guilt. Those are dark and heavy things that weigh a person down and make peace and love extremely hard. What I'm going to do with this day is this: I'm going to choose peace that comes from knowing that Thomas is in a better place where his pain and his sickness don't exist. I'm also going to do my absolute best to be extra good at loving the people in my life, simply because its days like this I'm reminded that life is precious and someday when those people are gone, all you wish for is the chance to say, "I love you" again. I'm going to love extra good today for Thomas. If you knew him, I would encourage you to do the same. If you didn't, well I'd still encourage you to do it simply because it's a good thing to do.

Love each other well today.


Saturday, September 6, 2014

{ B.a.L.a.N.c.E }

Today, marks Day 19 of my 30 Day Challenge. LOVING THIS WHOLE THING! I had to sit down today and really clearly define my "PUSH" and try and make my PUSH goal less ambiguous. My PUSH goal was to: "achieve and maintain a balanced life". I see her point when she said that goals can be ambiguous and hard to measure. What does balance really mean to me? I had to sit with my journal in hand and really think about that. What does balance mean to me? What will that look like? I prayed that God would reveal what He would want this to look like in my life and here is what I came up with:

B: Bible Reading

A: Always Praying

L: Listing Daily To-Do's

A: Activity-working out

N: Nutrition

C: Closeness with God and with Mitchell

E: Enjoying life together with family & friends

There it is. That is what balance means to me when I put my stones before sand. What does balance look like in your life?

Friday, September 5, 2014

In Over My Head

6 hours of doing nothing but trying to pull together a mediocre Ethos presentation. That's what I have been doing this Friday evening. I haven't been out with friends. I haven't been out on a date with my fiancé. No, I've been in my apartment trying to see my blank computer screen through the tears of defeat that just will not go away.

I wouldn't go as far to say that I'm any sort of genius, but I also know that I'm not dumb either. I typically am able to figure things out and I'm able to pull together pretty awesome presentations if I work hard enough. However, this Ethos presentation I have to give on Wednesday for my Persuasion class is kicking me down. Hard. For whatever reason, my brain just will not grasp whatever concept or objective I need to achieve. If I have no idea what the end goal is or what I'm supposed to be trying to do, how in the world do I even go about picking a topic?! Do you see why I've been trying to pull my hair out? I'm frustrated, discouraged, and defeated, and its only my 2nd week as a Communications major. Great, right?

Normally I'm not the type of pessimistic person who would let one bad night or one bad project discourage me this much. However, when this discouragement comes so soon after making a major change, its hard not to feel like I made a horrible mistake in switching my major. It doesn't really help or encourage me at all when the words from my professor are replaying in my mind as I sit here trying to figure out what to do for this presentation. See, I thought I was being proactive in going to meet with my professor and see if she could offer any guidance. What I didn't anticipate was coming out of there with a feeling of, "you have no business being a communications major if you can't survive this upper level speech course". Apparently, all of my ideas were that of a "lower level". Whatever that means. Is she right? What business do I have being a communications major? Every single person in every single one of my classes started out as Communications majors. They are going to eat me alive on Wednesday. And I won't have anything to say to defend myself because I know more than anyone how in over my head I am.

I can't help but ask myself as the tears of frustration spill over, "what am I doing? I just made a huge mistake." But then I remember how I made this decision to change majors in the first place. God wanted this for me. He was the one who called me to change my course of study. God wanted me to be a Communications major. And you know what else? God doesn't make mistakes. Ever. He never has, and He never ever will. Not with my life, and not with your life. This in over my head feeling is exactly where God needs me to be right now because I literally have no other option but to rely on Him. He wanted me to be exactly where I am right now to teach me that my own self reliance is stupid. The only way He was able to get that through my stubborn head was to put me in a situation where I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, and I had no way out of it. It's in the times when I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing that God teaches me how completely worthless I am on my own, and how trivial my own efforts are when I try to do things without Him.

My hands don't know what to type. My brain doesn't know what to produce. I am literally at a stand still as far as this presentation is concerned. The only thing I can do is wait for God to give me some sort of inspiration. He will give me the words. After all, it was His voice that called me here to this place. So instead of feeling like it was me who made a huge mistake to switch majors, I'm going to wipe away these tears of defeat and frustration and remember that it was God who called me to this, and it is God who will get me through it. Who cares if my professor thinks I have no business as a Communications major. Right now in this very moment, I am right where God wants me, and that's the only place I ever want to be.

At the end of the day, and at the end of my life, I know it won't really matter how this presentation turns out. What will matter is what I learn from this place God has me in at the moment. I suppose it will be a lesson of full reliance and surrender to Him- being comfortable with being uncomfortable. Something I am very not comfortable with.

I guess this is a time to practice what I preached in my previous post by focusing on what really matters. Put my stones in before my sand. And while homework is important for college students to work at, it certainly isn't a stone I would put in my jar before my family or spending time with Mitchell. Therefore, I am making the decision to close my computer and spend some quality time with one of my biggest and most important "stones"- my fiancé who has been nothing but patient, helpful, and unbelievably sweet to me today. He even surprised me with flowers! This Ethos presentation can wait until morning, because in the grand scheme of my life, its just a grain of sand in comparison to what really matters to me. Whatever grain of sand has you worried right now, my prayer for you is that you'll be able to let it go, at least for a little while to focus on the things that are most important to you, and most of all, spending time and energy on the things that are most important to God. That should be our biggest stone of all.

Thanks for taking the time to read my homework related rant. I'll be sure to let you know how the presentation ends of turning out, just in case you're interested. :) Until then.....

Keep calm and listen to some music while you put your stones before sand. ;)
