Saturday, September 6, 2014

{ B.a.L.a.N.c.E }

Today, marks Day 19 of my 30 Day Challenge. LOVING THIS WHOLE THING! I had to sit down today and really clearly define my "PUSH" and try and make my PUSH goal less ambiguous. My PUSH goal was to: "achieve and maintain a balanced life". I see her point when she said that goals can be ambiguous and hard to measure. What does balance really mean to me? I had to sit with my journal in hand and really think about that. What does balance mean to me? What will that look like? I prayed that God would reveal what He would want this to look like in my life and here is what I came up with:

B: Bible Reading

A: Always Praying

L: Listing Daily To-Do's

A: Activity-working out

N: Nutrition

C: Closeness with God and with Mitchell

E: Enjoying life together with family & friends

There it is. That is what balance means to me when I put my stones before sand. What does balance look like in your life?

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