Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Push Goal Promise

Today as a part of my 30 Day Challenge to determine priorities and goals, I am making a push goal promise. I will achieve this goal in the next year with support and encouragement from friends and family.

I'm putting it here on my blog as another way to keep me accountable and to make my push goal public. I suppose it may seem silly, but if you know me very well, you know that I am one who needs accountability.

My push goal is the one goal that makes all of my other goals possible, it is the driving force, and it makes all of the other things I hope to accomplish easier once achieved. My push goal is to achieve and maintain over balance in my life that includes: daily devotional time, prayer time, scripture study, a workout and healthy eating, and quality time together with the important people in my life.

This is my overall priority because once it is achieved and I have that balance in my life, all of the my other 9 goals for the year will be possible. This push goal is all about growing my relationship with the Lord and honoring Him with in all areas of my life every single day. God will take care of absolutely everything, so if my push goal is to draw closer to Him, my whole life is going to change for the better. When my life feels in balance, I am happier, nicer, and life is more FUN! My friends and family deserve that much from me.

I made this promise to two very important people in my life who I know that when I achieve this overall push goal of balance, they are the two people who are going to be directly affected by it. They are going to feel it, and I know that they are going to be the most proud of me when I accomplish it. I'm going to need their help to keep me accountable and help encourage me, but I know that I can count on them to do it!

I promise these goals I have are going to make me a better, happier, person and that will affect how I am to be around. I will save this promise, and in one year, I can take a look back and reflect on how this push goal has affected my life.

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