Thursday, August 21, 2014

In the End, God Wins

My heart is heavy tonight after reading about the devastating murder of James Foley, an American reporter who had been held hostage by ISIS. I'm praying for comfort and peace for his family and friends.

I am in no way claiming to be an expert in politics or international affairs. I'm certainly not a theologian or scholar. I'm just a girl praying for a peaceful world. With all of the violence and conflict going on in the middle east, the presence of evil in this world can't be ignored. As Christians, its vital for us to understand that there is a war going on right now. A war that we can't directly see. The enemy is working hard in the hearts of members of ISIS and he is creating evil and destruction. We must prepare ourselves to fight for the kingdom of God by devoting ourselves to constant prayer. A constant state of prayer by living our lives in a way that is spreading love and spreading the goodness of God. We need to use OUR free will to make the choice to reach those who are hurting, and to reach those who don't know God. The enemy WILL lose. Our God is greater than the evil we see right now. Please join in prayer for the Middle East. Never forget who the enemy is. Be on your guard and stand firm in the promises of God!

So many people are asking, "why did God allow that to happen?" or "why does God allow such evil in this world?" There is something very important to understand here. There is a very evil and a very REAL enemy at work in our world right now. It's naive to believe that the enemy has no power. He does. Unfortunately, he has power to plant seeds of evil and that's what he is doing. God isn't making this happen.  The evil one is working furiously to create as much evil and turmoil in this world as he can. God doesn't want this to happen. And while He may have the power to stop it, God is a just God who gave each and every human being their own free will. It breaks my heart that so many people in our world choose to serve the enemy's evil purpose instead of God's divine and heavenly purpose. It breaks GOD'S heart to see His people being tortured and executed. It breaks His heart to see people He created inviting the enemy to rule in their hearts and act out such evil! God is GOOD and FAIR! So fair that He would never take away anyone's free will. Even though He wants us to choose to do good and not evil, we still have the ability to choose. ISIS is choosing wrong and it's breaking hearts all over the world, and its breaking God's heart.

I am praying tonight for all those being executed and tortured. I'm also praying for those hearts that have been filled by the evil one. God has never ever broken His promises to us. He promises that one day He will restore His people and destroy evil forever. I can't wait for that day. Evil is never God's fault. It's the enemy's doing. Evil is always the enemy's doing. And he is the source of the lies that say God isn't good, that God doesn't care, or that evil is the answer. Lies lies lies. 

Someday, I don't know when that day will be, but someday, good will be the only thing left. War won't exist, pain won't exist, death won't exist, only good. In the end, God wins. 

Let's pray with urgency. 


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