Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Serious lack of sleep

It's official. I finished my first semester at Belmont. The only logical title for this post is something to do with the severe lack of sleep my brain was running on (to bed at 4:30am and up at 7:00am), but I did it, I'm done, and that's all that matters now. (Even though I was pretty convinced that my math test was going to kill me. Literally. Even ask Mitchell). Now I suppose is as good a time as any to just take a minute to reflect back on my first semester in Nashville. I have very mixed feelings about it being over so soon. On the one hand, a lot of life-changing things happened and its scary to think how fast the time went. But on the other hand, I know that God has amazing in store for me next semester, and I'm excited to see those plans unfold.

It's crazy to think about the fact that just a year ago, dreams of attending Belmont and studying Music Business seemed so far off. Now, I'm living that dream every single day, and I can honestly say it's better than I could have ever imagined it being. I'm a firm believer that God is in the business of blessing far beyond expectations. My first semester here has been a testament to that. It's a very overwhelming, very satisfying feeling when God makes it so blatantly clear that you're on the right path, and you're doing what you were made to do. Sure, there were times I felt the usual doubt and fear and uncertainty, but at the end of the day, I know this is where God wants me to be. 

So many things have happened this semester. Here are some of the highlights: 

The road trip to Nashville. "Sisters" Andrea and Carmen came along. Obviously.
My amazing roommates. I couldn't have imagined being placed with more perfect ladies to live with. 

My first friends at Belmont. Jared Mitchell and Mitchell Jared.
Okay, so that's not his real last name BUT that's what he told me it was and I believed them for like 2 days.
We call him the "Man of Steele" because his last name is Steele. Well, I'm really the only one who calls him that, but still. 
My older brother Tyler came to visit and we saw Taylor Swift's Red Tour from the front row!
What a great night!

Oh. And then this happened. No big deal. ;)
But before you get too excited, I had to turn Hunter down. Why? Well, this handsome fellow
asked me out, that's why! We've been dating for almost 3 months now. 

On their way to Florida, my grandparents stopped in Nashville to see me
(and meet the boyfriend.)

Okay so it may not seem like it, but this really was my favorite class.
Survey of Music Business! Since I've read the book, I should know it all, right? Wrong! Not even close. 

After waiting outside for 5 hours, we got tickets to go to the CMA Awards. FOR FREE!!!
My dream date? I think so!! 

Here is my crazy group of friends. I love every single one of them so much!
We decided that before Thanksgiving break, we wanted to have our very own "Friendsgiving!" 

And of course, it's not Christmas without ice skating!
 I haven't been on the ice in years but it was so much fun! 

Well, there ya have it....my first semester at Belmont in the books. Now, excuse me while I go make myself some hot cider to sip on while Christmas music plays and I pack to head back home to Minnesota!

Until next time....Keep Calm and Listen to (Christmas) Music.


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