Friday, December 27, 2013

{My*Best Year*Yet}

Greetings all! I trust you all had a good Christmas. I know I did. Lots of laughs with the family, as per usual, along with too much food consumed. Tis the season, right?

Ahhhh it's that time of year again. The time where we all sit down and make those New Years resolutions. I've always been somewhat skeptical of this practice, just because I make a ton of resolutions that I end up giving up on. Nonetheless, I make resolutions every year, most of which have something to do with "exercise more, eat less". New Years has come to mean more to me as I grow older. It's like that movie "New Years Eve" talks about. New Years is a time to sit and reflect on the year that's passed, as well as look ahead to the year in front of us. What did we do well this year? How did God work in our lives? What can we do next year to be better? I take this time of year as an opportunity to give thanks for the ways I've been blessed. This year has been the most life changing for more reasons than one. By the grace of God, I ended up attending my dream school in Nashville, I ended up with the best roommates, I met the most amazing man who I get to call my boyfriend, I gained another family (love you, Steele family!),  I've met countless industry professionals who have graciously taken me under their wings and helped me more than I ever hoped. This year I've seen God's hand working in my life in such obvious ways, what else can I do but be thankful? I can't even begin to tell you how many people come up to me and ask me things like, "how did you get so lucky?" And I then realize that I can't take any of the credit myself. My life is great, not because I'm great, but because God is great. With all of these blessings and opportunities he has entrusted to me comes a responsibility to use all these things for His glory. That's the very reason we were created. It all becomes very simple when looking at it that way, doesn't it?

Now of course we all know life has a way of naturally becoming more and more complicated than that. Unfortunately, it sometimes seems like our credibility or success is equated to how busy we can keep ourselves. I know that personally, I will run around a million miles an hour and sometimes lose sight of why I'm doing all this in the first place. Perhaps 2014 can be the year I finally am able to fully grasp this concept. "Slow down" is going to be my mantra for the New Year!

If there's one thing I've learned this year, it is that God is in the business of opening the right doors for us, all according to his will. Our plans and his plans can be very different at times, but I am here to tell you that his are always far better. I've also come to know within the deepest depths of my soul that I am never ever going to be left alone. Those of you that know me know that I lost someone to suicide a few months ago. I have never experienced anything like that before, and I've been fortunate enough to never have lost anyone close to me before. It was hard and for awhile, I was in a very dark place. Going through something like that, I honestly don't know how I would've done it without God's ever present love and presence. It breaks my heart that some will try and make it through this life without him. Let's all stop and say a prayer for them. Seriously.

Milestones of 2013:
The most obvious was probably my major change of address. Moving to Nashville was a HUGE leap of faith. I remember being so scared and a lot of what-ifs threatened everything, but it has been the best decision of my entire life thus far. Ain't no messing with God's plan. I remember talking to mother Steele about how it's impossible to ignore God. His calling is persistent!

My first Facebook official relationship! Hahaha!!! But seriously.
Meeting and falling in love with Mitchell Dan Steele has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me.  On top of a great partner in crime, I gained an amazing family out of the deal. I have Mother and Father Steele, Matthew and Kelli, Christian, Gracie, and Faith now. I am so crazy about this family and so blessed by them. I never knew how much I needed him in my life. I'm a better person because of him.

Getting baptized at Crosspoint
In the church I grew up in, I was baptized as a baby. It's tradition that parents do this and take the vow to raise their children to love The Lord (which mine did an AMAZING job of by the way). I started attending Crosspoint when I moved to Nashville in August and immediately knew this was my new home church. They view baptism as something you yourself decide and commit to do when you're able to make the decision yourself, something that was a little different from the church I grew up in. When baptism week came around, I honestly wasn't even thinking about it really. I had been wanting to do some sort of something to kind of renew my commitment to The Lord but had no idea what that would be. Well, God knew because on the night of baptism, "Oceans" started playing, and in that moment, I felt God placing it on my heart that He wanted me to be baptized again. This was my chance to recommit my life to him, to be washed of who I was and come out cleaner than ever. Again, it was the best decision I've made because I have not been the same since. I am thankful I had the opportunity to be baptized again.

Jim at Sony Music Nashville
Through a program at Belmont, a VP at Sony decided to become my mentor for the year. WHAT?! It has been SUCH a great experience for me. Through this, I've had the opportunity to sit in on song pitching meetings, studio sessions, publisher meetings, you name it. This is really what helped me make the decision to go into Music Publishing, and has led me to countless people willing to offer guidance. I have to regularity pinch myself and remind myself that this is really my life. This cool stuff really is happening to me! Glory to God!!

CMA Awards
One of the many perks of living in Nashville is that you get opportunities to attend things....for free. Yes, you have to wait outside for 5 hours, but in turn you'll get a wristband to the CMA Awards for you and your boo. Was it worth it? Absolutely!!! I've been watching the CMA Awards every year for as long as I can remember, and to be able to see them in person was truly a dream come true.

Graduating from NDSCS 

My resolutions:
1. Attend more writers rounds and open mic nights
I live in music city. I need to venture out of the Belmont bubble and take advantage of all the live music there is. Plus, these are great places to meet other music publishers (that's another resolution: meet more publishers).
2. Incorporate daily exercise into my lifestyle
Okay, yes I'm one of those people who puts it on her list to exercise more. If I can somehow make it a part of my day, I'm more likely to stick with it.
3. Make daily devotions a DAILY thing.
It's so very easy to think that 15-20 more minute of sleep will feel so good, but spending that time in God's word will do wonders for the soul.
4. Bedtime prayer time.
I am usually good about saying my bedtime prayers but I'll be the first to admit they are sometimes said as I'm already half asleep. This year, I'm going to make an effort to be more intentional about this time of prayer.
5. Staying on top of my homework instead of constantly playing catch up
This one is pretty self explanatory, isn't it? Raise your hand if this is on your list too!
6. Blog once a week.
7. Show more enthusiasm and gratitude
For those that know me, you probably know me as a pretty enthusiastic person. However, there are times I take this life for granted and forget how blessed I am. I complain about all I have to do rather than give thanks for the many opportunities I have. I'm vowing to adopt a more enthusiastic, grateful attitude.

Looking ahead to 2014, I'm excited by everything that are ahead, both known and unknown. God is at work and I pray that He continues to use me. What a wonderful gift it is to be used for His glory! He is good!! Have resolutions you want to share? Go for it! As you're making your own lists,

Keep calm and listen to music.


My New Years playlist:
Never Stop (Wedding Version)-SafetySuit
Mitchell and I declared this as "our song".
Better Days-Goo Goo Dolls
My favorite song about New Years and the deeper meaning of it all.
God is Able-Hillsong Live
A good reminder that He alone is able to do more than what we could ever imagine or dream.
Hello My Name Is-Matthew West
There are always going to be things I'm not proud of or feel defined by. This song is a reminder of how we have been set free because we are children of the ONE TRUE king. THAT is our true identity.

What are your favorite New Years songs? Share them below! I better go. I have a "Candle Pow wow" date with Mother, Kelli, and Gracie. 💗

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