Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Finals week

Oh yes. It is that time. The dreaded f word....finals are upon us. I'm not exactly sure why but finals this semester feel different than the others. It may be because this is my first semester at Belmont. Yeah, I think that's it. It's amazing how much more fun life becomes when you're doing what you were made to do. I love what I do and for that I consider myself extremely lucky. There are so many exciting things coming up next semester. I could literally write about them all night, however, this blogger has a final in about 4 hours. This is not exactly the best time to go off on a tangent about how awesome life in Nashville is and all the great new music I'm hearing. That will have to wait until later (assuming I survive my last two finals tomorrow). Until then...

Keep calm and listen to music. 


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