Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I am weak; He is strong

I can't believe it is already that time of the semester where we're all cramming and studying for midterms! Midterms! That means only 8 weeks left of my entire college career. Let me take a moment to really let that sink in......

Not only is it midterms time, but I developed what is shaping up to be the worst cold I've had in a long, long time. It took me by surprise after a long weekend in Florida with Matthew, mom and Carmen.

I guess I should be thankful that I didn't have to spend the entire weekend in bed sick, but still, I find myself asking the question, "God, WHY do I have to be sick this week?" Pick any other week and I'll deal with this cold as just a minor inconvenience, but this week....it's all together too much for me to handle. I need to be spending time studying, NOT sleeping and blowing my nose every 10 seconds! Then, I end up stressing about how much I have to do and how I feel too sick to get it all done. I sound like a whiney baby don't I?

Then, it hit me while I was sitting feeling sorry for myself. I was regressing back into one of my old habits of relying on my own strength instead of God's supernatural strength. It happens every once in while. I get this idea in my head that I can do this whole life thing on my own. Not true.

I'm starting to see this week in a different light. Perhaps its a lesson God is trying to teach me by giving me no other option but to rely solely on Him. He knew that this cold at this time would leave me with no choice but to completely rely and trust in Him to get me through. When I am weak, He is my strength. When I am sick, He is my healer. When I am stressed, He is my peace.

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