Wednesday, November 19, 2014

This Isn't OUR Story

This past weekend, my mom, Matthew, and I spent some time in Nashville. Mom had originally planned a trip to come visit Mitchell and I, but after everything that happened with dad, it turned into a more, "mini move" home. I'm planning to spend the rest of the semester at home! That in itself is a blessing! I was able to meet with professors, figure out my life at school, and just spend some time in Nashville. I can't speak for mom and Matthew, but I know that I felt a little out of my element leaving home. For several weeks, it was really our safe zone, our own little bubble. I told my mom that being in public made me feel like I was in one of those nightmares where I would show up to school naked! I felt exposed and uncomfortable to say the very least. I was excited to see Mitchell, who had been back in Nashville for a few days, but leaving home was harder than I think any of us expected it to be.

As we went through the motions of airport security, my feelings of unease disappeared as soon as a man working for TSA stopped me and said, "you're the family from the news!" as he pointed to my Run with Randy jacket I had on. A little confused, I looked down and saw what he was pointing to and realized he knew we were the family who had lost their father and were now Running with Randy! He continued by saying, "I'm so sorry for your loss" and proceeded to tell me how inspired he was by our story. I could not believe it! Was this real life?! Even the TSA officers knew our story? How amazing is that?! Run with Randy really is spreading! Praise God!

Throughout our weekend in Nashville, several other individuals asked us what the "Run with Randy" stitched on our jackets meant. We were blessed with the opportunity to share dad's story with all of my professors and Belmont, and all of Mitchell's co-workers at Capitol who knew that I had lost my dad, but had no idea that Run with Randy was a cause we had started. We felt so blessed to be able to share this story with those people who asked. Here are some pictures of our trip!

Some say its our story to share, but it really isn't. This whole thing, dad's passing away, organ donation, Run with Randy, the overwhelming amount of family and community support, its all God's story. And I think He has written it so beautifully! Even though there is an incredible amount of pain involved, the many blessings we've seen as a result of this tragedy have left us amazed at the faithfulness and sovereignty of the God we serve. THAT'S the point of this story. That is what we want people to take away from this- that God is GOOD, and He LOVES us, and we KNOW where my dad is right now!

A sweet and dear friend of mine recently asked if she could share our story with one of her classes. She said she too had been SO inspired by our story and faith throughout all of this! I told her the same thing I have told so many of you who say the same thing about our faith being inspiring. THANK YOU so much for sharing that with us, it really encourages us to press on! But, what I also told her was, we are clinging to our faith so tightly because it is all we have! It is something my dad taught us in the way he lived his life. Our faith in God really will see us through any situation. I'm so thankful that God is using our situation to touch so many of you. It really is humbling.

We want YOU to be involved in this journey, and a part of the story that God is writing RIGHT NOW! Help us spread the word! Want your own Run with Randy gear? Let us know!! (email Tell your friends to join Club 8:06 and pray with us every morning! Follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook! Share the story of an amazing man, and let's leave a legacy of hope and healing through Run with Randy!

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