Thursday, February 16, 2017

Visits from Heaven

Every now and then, I'll have these special experiences that I believe are my dad's presence coming from heaven to let us know it's all going to be okay. Yesterday I had another.

I've been at my new job for a couple weeks now. It's been an emotional transition, as all change is. The highlight of my day is taking a quick walk though this very small park across the road from the school I teach at. I walk through the paths that leads me to this bench that I sit at for a few minutes just looking out across the small pond just to relax and take it all in. It's become my little ritual. Yesterday as I arrived at my usual bench, there in the place right beside where I usually sit.......these rocks were there in the shape of a heart. I smiled and cried because I KNOW that my dad was sitting there waiting for me. I don't know why and I don't know how. I can't explain how or why. I just KNOW without any doubt that he sat for a few minutes with me in my special spot. I cried, and then went back to school, where every single day, I honor my dad by being the kind of patient, kind, empathetic, passionate teacher that he was.

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