Sunday, April 19, 2015


The message at Cross Point Community Church​ tonight left me feeling inspired and ready to face my fears head on! So many times I ask myself the question, "is God trying to lead me into something?" but often times I just brush it off and say its just another one of my crazy ideas- God could never REALLY use me to do something big. I'm so thankful for my pastor challenging me in my thinking.

Recently I've been feeling inspired to try something NEW and DIFFERENT, but I'm a little nervous about it. In fact, the fear of failing at it or not being good enough, or not "having what it takes" are all thoughts that definitely keep me up at night tossing and turning, doubting myself and my dreams to dive into this new, exciting adventure! Tonight, I decided to take the first step, after some very gentle encouragement from Mitchell​ telling me, "babe, this is exactly what you need to do!" Mr. Skeptic himself even thought it was the right move.

I'm trusting God with all of the "what ifs" that plague my mind with fear, and I'm letting go of my feelings of inadequacy because if God calls you to do something, He'll give you everything you need to do it! I'm SOOO excited to announce what this NEW, EXCITING dream is VERY SOON!

First, I'm going to focus on graduating, moving, and getting married.

Big things, exciting things, coming VERY VERY SOON! Prayers are definitely much appreciated. :)

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