Sunday, November 20, 2016


Hi Ya’ll!

It’s been awhile since I’ve sat down to write out an update and whatnot.

13 days ago I began another, yes ANOTHER healthy eating plan. This one, called Evolv Reboot, came at the recommendation by my aunt Kathy and uncle Jim, who were in the middle of their own Reboot and were experiencing incredible results.

I’ll be honest, it wasn’t the healthy eating aspect of this plan that drew me in. No, it was the whole mission behind Evolv which is powered by the Hope Movement which carries out the mission of tackling the world’s greatest health issue of malnutrition. By “rebooting” your health, you learn healthy eating habits that are sustainable, plus the Hope Movement nourishes children from around the world who are literally starving. “Buy 1 , Nourish 2.” It’s a Christian based company that is really seeking to make a lasting impact. For those of you that know me, you know that I”m a sucker for these types of things. She had me at “feeding starving children”. I decided to give it a go and just see what happened. By purchasing a Reboot kit, I was able to donate 140 servings. So in my mind, even if I didn’t get any results, at least I was making a true impact.

Can I be honest again? I never for a second believed I would actually see any sort of tangible, noteworthy results. I didn’t even allow myself to get my hopes up, because I was so convinced this would be like everything else I had tried. I wouldn’t be able to do it, or even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to sustain it for very long. I’m the girl that quits early.

Well, here I sit on Day 13, with literal TEARS in my eyes because I am DOWN 7.5lbs in 13 days. To some, that may not seem like a ton, but to me, it’s the FIRST TIME I’ve actually experienced results on a healthy eating plan. And I’ve tried a lot. I’ve tried protein shakes, I’ve tried supplements galore, I’ve done juice cleanses, fasting. Nothing worked. And it was discouraging. So this 7.5lbs means that the Reboot WORKS.

Be sure you hear me when I say this: I KNOW my health is more than a number on a scale. I know that I am more than that number, and that there’s so much more that goes into being healthy. I get that. I really do. But when you’ve tried SO many different things, gotten hopeful about them all, only to see the scale only go up, when it starts to go down substantially, and you realize you aren’t starving to make that happen, you begin to CELEBRATE that it’s going down. So yes, I’m celebrating this small victory!

I’m actually surprised every time I go to the kitchen that I’m able to eat the foods that are allowed on this program. Sure they take out sugar for the first 14 days (which was hard for my sweet tooth self) but I’m eating REAL YUMMY FOOD. And tomorrow? Introducing Vacation Meals, where I get to indulge (in moderation of course) twice a week and KNOW that I am not cheating my healthy eating plan. Vacation meals are PART of this plan! WHAAAAAT.

This Reboot has been so good for me in more ways than one. Of course I’m actually learning HOW to eat healthy and clean. That’s what I was missing, the “HOW TO”. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was A.) LESS expensive than I anticipated, and B.) more simple to follow (not easy) that I expected.

Even more than that, I had a little come to Jesus meeting with myself when I realized that I was taking advantage of my health. I am 23 years old and overweight. I have no condition that excuses this away. I am otherwise healthy. And I realized that I can’t use my life circumstances to excuse the way I was eating whatever I wanted and not exercising properly with absolutely NO accountability. These are some of the life circumstances I would use as excuses as to why I couldn’t get my health on track.

I have depression. It makes it hard.
I have anxiety. It makes it hard.
I’m homesick.
I’m too sad.
My dad died.
I’m too busy.
My new job takes too much energy.
I’ll do it later.

Enough was enough. Am I right? No 23 year old should be taking advantage of their health in this way.

No more.

Day 14 tomorrow and I can honestly say I’m more empowered than ever and more hopeful than ever that there is good in the world that I CAN be a part of. So thankful. So excited to see what else I learn……

Thanks for letting me share.

