Saturday, April 23, 2016

God's Love Language to Me

It's been a couple months since we took our trip to Flordia and I was reading in my journal from that trip. As I was reading, I came across something I meant to turn into a blog post. Here it is a couple months late.


The beach
The sunset
It's a glorious thing to behold.
I can't look away from the waves and the clouds and the sun reflecting off the water. The beauty and immensity of it all.
Reminds me of heaven.
Back when I was processing my emdr, the beach is the place I would picture when thinking about my happy place.
The beach brings me joy. It brings me peace. God uses the elements of the ocean at sunset to communicate the most heavenly things to me. It's His very own love language.

Now, it is impossible for me to behold all of this without thinking of my dad and the deep longing I have in my heart just to be with him. It makes my heart ache and tears come to my eyes just thinking about it.

I imagine what heaven must be like. Are there oceans and sunsets up there? I wonder what the view is like. Does dad see me down here thinking about him? Is there ever a moment when I'm looking up towards heaven and he's looking down towards earth that our eyes meet? Have I ever looked into his eyes without knowing it?

These are the things I wonder. And these ponderings get sent out into the immensity that the ocean represents.

I'm so thankful that God is bigger than all my eyes see right now.

I'm thankful for the way I feel His presence and His love. I'm thankful for the way He allows me to feel my dad's presence in an indescribable way. I'm thankful for the peace I feel as I stand before a scene so glorious and beautiful.

Most of all, I'm thankful for Jesus. Because of Jesus alone, I know that there will be a day someday soon, where we will be reunited with our dad, our husband, our friend. That reunion will be sweeter than I can even begin to imagine. God's Word promises this to all who believe in Jesus. I believe this with my whole heart. My prayer is that all who are reading this right now would believe, too.

And just between me and all of you reading this, I'm hoping this sweet reunion takes place on the beach (if there are beaches) in heaven.