Friday, January 10, 2014

{Travel Adventures and New Semester Happenings}

Hey guys!

Wow! What a crazy few weeks it's been. Mitchell spent the New Year's week in Minnesota hanging with my family. They cancelled his flight coming into Fargo so he was stuck in Chicago. (Thanks a lot United!) Even though it took him a little longer than expected, he finally arrived!

I tried to warn him about the cold, but there's just no explaining it. It's something one must experience for himself, and experience it he did! There were multiple times he would literally choke on the air! I guess the below zero temperature thing is something that takes years of getting used to. Nonetheless, I was glad my frozen to the bone boyfriend was finally here with me again. :) 

I could tell he was a little nervous about meeting my family for the first time, even though I told him he had absolutely NOTHING to worry about. I was absolutely right. My family loved Mitchell right from the start. My mom was impressed by how eager he was to help with the dishes, and my dad loved how they bonded over "Dumb and Dumber" and football talk. Even Matthew and Carmen were instantly taken with Mitchell. He jumped right in and felt like a part of the family. Also, I am no longer Max's favorite. Pretty sure Mitchell is! 😉Take a look at the highlights from his trip! (Also, check out the new app Flipagram!)

Mitchell had a heck of a time leaving the state. 4 cancelled flights, hours spent on hold, he ended up not leaving until Friday. To be completely honest, I wasn't that heart broken about it. On the plus side, we got the opportunity to take him to the Mall of America! That was so fun! With lots of airline trouble, he finally got home. I did however, write a letter to United Airlines to try and get a free ticket out of the deal. Our fingers are still crossed!

As if his airline troubles weren't enough, I myself had my fair share of troubles getting back to Nashville. I think there was a total of 4 cancelled flights in a 2-3 day time period. Crazy weather I tell ya! Here's how I was scheduled to get home: leaving our house in Breckenridge around midnight, driving 3 hours to Sioux Falls, sleeping for about an hour at a hotel there, arriving at the airport for my 6am flight to Dallas, waiting in Dallas for 9 hours, and then arriving in Chattanooga TN, driving 2.5 hours back to Nashville, and finally being home. This itinerary was less than ideal. 

A part of me feels bad for the airline workers getting yelled at by all the crabby people. I tried really hard to be extra polite to them and I told them to "hang in there!" And to "have a great day!" Cancelled flights are stressful for everyone. During my 9 hour layover in Dallas, I decided I would plea one last time to the American Airlines agents there, and see if there was a way for me to get back to Nashville earlier. I met an ANGEL. After telling her my very stressful story, she typed some things into her computer, smiled up at me, and handed me a boarding pass for a flight to Nashville leaving in 30 minutes. THANK YOU GOD! My prayers had been answered!  After 4 cancelled flights and lots of tears and hours spent on hold with American Airlines and Frontier Airlines, I finally arrived back in Nashville around 1:00 on Tuesday. I still had time to make it to 2 classes that day! #winning. 

The first week of classes and work has been CRAZY, but in the best way. This semester is going to be full of opportunities and learning experiences. I'm so excited! My new internship at Country Thunder is going to be AWESOME! I had my first day on Wednesday and I absolutely loved it, the people and the job itself. It's going to be a great semester at Country Thunder. Also Bear House Writer Management  is taking off, and I'm also very excited about this! If you're a songwriter looking for a manager, hit me up! 

Since this is technically a lifestyle/music blog, I will be posting about the various writer's rounds, album release shows, and other various concerts I attend. I live in Music City so there will be a lot of them! Don't say I didn't warn you. ;) 

There are so many great things happening this semester, and I promise to update my blog as often as I can to keep you all in the loop! For now....

{Keep Calm and Listen to Music}
